Hatcher: Eat the chocolate, but not after 7

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Hatcher: Eat the chocolate, but not after 7

via That's Fit by Jacki Donaldson on 9/7/08

How about some motherly advice from Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher?

  • Have great sex
  • Eat the chocolate
  • Don't sit on public toilet seats
  • Make sure to floss
  • Don't eat after 7 PM
  • Dance like teenager

Intended for her 10-year-old daughter Emerson (anyone think the sex part is a bit much for a 10-year-old?), this wisdom comes from a woman who considers herself successful yet somewhat fragile. Constantly working on herself, the 43-year-old mom practices a little self-help -- she has a "goal board" at home, a collage of images and things she wants to achieve in her life. All written, glued, or drawn onto a big piece of paper, Hatcher's handiwork keeps her focused on her good ..........?

Things you can do from here:

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