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In the past, Hugh has described himself as a 'troubled carnivore' and champions the belief that we should eat less meat. He continues to implore us to find out the origins of our meat and make it a celebrated part of a meal rather than an everyday ingredient.

Here at River Cottage our courses and dinners live by this philosophy of provenance and respect for the animal. Come and join us for one of our specialist meat courses and experience the joy of nose-to-tail cooking and eating

" Smoking food is as old as time and the methods have changed very little since those first prehistoric fires revealed to our ancestors the culinary sorcery that flavours and preserves. Part of my enjoyment of smoking food is the thought of tapping into that ancient craft but also that it is the antithesis of fast food.

If you would like to embark on a new culinary journey and learn the craft of curing and smoking, then take a look at the dates below. I will be teaching courses at River Cottage where you'll learn how to create amazing, authentic and creative products from scratch." 
Steven Lamb, Curing & Smoking Tutor
Steven has been teaching Curing & Smoking at River Cottage for over a decade and is the author of the River Cottage Curing & Smoking Handbook

2 November, 1, 29 February, 7, 14 March
Christmas Curing Smoking: 16 November


At River Cottage, nothing is wasted and everything is celebrated. On this one-day course, you'll learn basic butchery skills and how to prepare some of the least expensive, under-used cuts turning them into something sublime and special.


This hands-on course will provide you with the skills and confidence to be skinning and jointing, plucking and drawing, curing and smoking a variety of game birds and rabbit at home and turning them into tasty dishes at the end.


This is one of our original and bestselling courses. In this intensive day you will explore the basic principles of pig butchery and how to prepare and cook the results. You'll learn how to approach the carcass of a whole pig, transforming it into a wide range of fantastic products including sausages, air-dried ham, bacon, chorizo and salami as well as the less known offaly treats of brawn, roasted pig's head joint and devilled kidneys. 


There are probably hundreds of recipes for chorizo. Throughout Spain, and indeed Mexico, families have been handing down their own recipes for generations. The meat is flavoured with a spice mix, usually largely informed by paprika, but which can also include fiery cayenne or naga chilli, which will send it off the Scoville scale (the scale that chilli heat is measured in). This recipe is taken from Steven Lamb's River Cottage Curing & Smoking Handbook and is for a salami-style chorizo, made with a fairly eclectic blend of spices that can be altered to suit your own heat threshold. 

Save up to 25% on Dining Events! Hurry, sale ends on Thursday.
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