Sunny Tomato Tart

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Sunny Tomato Tart

via Tag Feed by Sarah Peyton on 9/10/08

Suddenly, our tomato's are ripening....all at the same time.

So, in an effort to use them up, I have been bottling, pureeing, slicing and serving with cheese...etc,etc. It would be easy to become a bit sick of them, but they are so tasty...reminiscent of Spanish tomato's eaten on holiday, with real, juicy tomato flavour, that they are a joy to eat.

Here is a recipe for Sunny Tomato Tart...tonights dinner...


Shortcrust pastry...(I cheat and use ready-made...can't be bothered to make my own!)

2 tlb's Creme fresh

2 tsp's Dijon mustard

Fresh Thyme


Olive Oil


Set oven to hot....200 degrees centigrade. Line flan dish with pastry and smooth over creme fresh and Dijon mustard mixture. Sprinkle with thyme.

Thinly slice tomato's and arrange on top, (probably a few more than I managed here!) drizzle with olive oil and cook in the oven until it resembles the photo above.

Good,that used up two tomato's, what can I do with the other 10 kgs?

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