Make hay while the sun shines

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Make the most of the glorious summer!

Join us at River Cottage HQ this summer where we have fantastic range of courses and special events to help you make the most of this magnificent time of year.


Spend some time developing a new skill and let our tutors share their knowledge and enthusiasm with you. At River Cottage, whatever course you take part in you'll gain an understanding of why we are committed to sustainable food and farming. 

"Fantastic experience and the best quality knowledge by chef and the food was wonderful" Nicola

"Our chef was fabulous.  Great teaching, good rapport and passionate about food, it's provenance and cooking it." Diane


Head outdoors and enjoy the exquisite countryside surrounding River Cottage. Whether you want to learn to cook outdoors, fish, or forage we have a course for you.

Shoreline Fishing - 22 July, 5 August
Build & Bake -18 August
Hedgerow Foraging - 4 September
Outdoor Cookery - 16 August
River Cottage Experience - 24 July, 14, 21, 29 August, 11 September
Wood-Fired Cookery: The Chef's Table - 18, 26, July, 15 August 

Head to River Cottage and sample the season's bounty. Enjoy organic vegetables just picked from the garden, or perhaps line-caught fish from Lyme Bay that morning. At no other time of year can you enjoy such a rich abundance of produce.

"Exquisite, each dish was well thought out, and the story behind each of them was fascinating.  It was great to hear which farm or garden, beach or boat the food was harvested from, mostly from the chefs and staff themselves." Linda


Summer Lunch - 24,31 July, 7, 14, 20 August

Summer Nights - 24, 31 July, 7, 20 August

Friday Nights - 26 July, 2, 9, 16, 30 August 

Saturday Nights - 27 July

Sunday Lunch - 28 July, 4, 11, 18 August, 1 September 

Wine & Dine - 25 July, 8, 15 August

The Chef's Table - 18, 26, July, 15 August 


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